Spring 2020 Policies

For those of you who have paid your registration fees for the recently cancelled Spring 2020 season, we are providing three (3) options:

Donate fee or Rollover balance to future season or request a refund.  Please read the policy statements below as to each choice before visiting our Donation Procedure page or Rollover/Register Procedure Page or Refund Procedure Page.  The deadline for requesting a refund or reduced fee 2020 registration (with rollover incentives) is July 21st.  Anyone who does not request a refund or a rollover on or before the July 21st deadline, will be deemed to have selected rollover, but will NOT be registered for 2020. 

1 - Donation: Convert your paid fee into a charitable donation to MHLL, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.  The recently enacted federal CARES act allows for an “above the line” deduction of up to $300 for charitable contributions on your 2020 federal income tax return, even if you would not usually itemize deductions. (Click here for some info, but consult your tax professional).  A letter will be provided for tax purposes.

2 - Rollover: Rollover your balance into the registration fee for either the new 2020 season (tentatively starting August 1) or for the Spring 2021 season and receive two rollover incentives:
Rollover incentive 1: We will price match for 2020 and/or 2021 whatever fees you were charged for 2020 (including those who took advantage of our Black Friday deal)
Rollover incentive 2: you will receive a $25 credit that you can apply to either your 2021 registration fees or towards a Mile High Spirit Gear purchase.

3 - Refund: Request a full refund of your division fees only.  The service fee charged by our website vendor "Sports Connect" is not refundable (either $3 or $6 depending on payment plan), as it was not paid to us.  Also any money associated with our chocolate fundraiser is not-refundable.  The optional $5 general membership fee is similarly not refundable as the fee simply allows non-volunteers to vote in league elections and we will still have an election this year.  Anyone with a balance for chocolate sales or for fees from a prior season will first have any Spring 2020 payments applied to prior those balances before the league will issue any refund.
Note regarding refund policy:

The chocolate fundraiser is not refundable because it's just that: a fundraiser.  It is separate from the division fees for participation.  Everyone was given the opportunity to avoid the out-of-pocket expense by selling chocolates.  As a non-profit, we need to retain fundraiser dollars due to the expenses already incurred for this season.  Even though many of you only had one practice, we were required to purchase accident and liability insurance for all the players prior to that practice.  Also we already paid for a number of other things such as chartering fees, portable toilets, electric, water, sewer, trash, bank fees, and field maintenance supplies.  Nobody on the board of directors receives any compensation or discounts for their service to the board.  The same is true for every coach, manager, umpire, scorekeeper, team parent, or other volunteer to the league.  As an all-volunteer organization, these funds are necessary to keep our league solvent and to ensure we are able to provide this activity to our community in the future.  We appreciate all our volunteers who have made this league a valuable part of this community for more than 60 years.

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